
Burgate’s strategy is to focus on acquiring discovered gas fields which have been ignored by the majors, but which are close to existing infrastructure. With new technology such as hydraulic fracturing, extended reach drilling and modern seismic processing technology these assets have substantial potential value.

Ronaldsway Gas Field

The Ronaldsway gas field was discovered in 1990 by well 110/9a-2 drilled by British Gas. The field is a large dip and fault bounded structure of Permian Collyhurst Sandstone.The Collyhurst Reservoir is sealed by overlying St Bees Evaporite strata comprising halite, dolomite and shales. The contingent resources are in the range 200 to 600 bcf of dry gas with a most likely 450 bcf in the mid case.

Ronaldsway Gas Discovery(110/9a-2) GIIP and Resources

Parameter MIN(P99) P90 ML P10 MAX(P1)
Area (sq km) 10.8 33.4 33.4
Collyhurst Resevoir (ft) 118 155 155
Rock Volume (million cu m) 494 1369 1369
Net gross (%) 100 100 100
Porosity (%) 6 11 15
Hydrocarbon saturation (%) 60 60 70
Gas expansion factor (cf/res cf) 163 163 163
Gas in place (bcf) 126 642 993
Oil/condensate in place (mmbo) 0.028 2.566 3.974
Recovery factor (%) 50 70 80
Gas reserves (bcf) 63 194 449 601 795


  • Min porosity from side wall cores = 6% average
  • ML porosity from 110/7b-6 cca = 11% average
  • Max porosity from 287 core data analyses (P10) = 15%
  • Sh values from petrophysics analyses
  • Gas expansion factor calculated from resevoir pressure 2575 psi and temperature 143 deg F.

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